Monday, October 20, 2008

The Secret Lives Of My Sex Life

or as I like to put it, let's reopen that pesky file box cleverly hidden inside my head called "Who I've Slept With"

Now of course I won't divulge any real information, names, etc. I respect everyone's privacy, even if they turned out to be nutty, plus there would be legal!

I gave them all "special" names, so that I could keep track of them, so I can archive them somewhere where it wouldn't be lost in a sea of "Does this one count?, How About This One?"

To date, I don't actually remember when I first lost my virginity to a girl. I remember my first girl kiss, but not my first girl fuck. It was all a haze back in my sex club phase so it get's foggy from time to time.

Ok so I remembered one more girl...I wonder how more I will remember along the way. I say we go down memory lane and take a look at what I have infiltrated thus far. Perhaps I'll write more details stories about them from time to time. These are the characters that built up my whole sexual history of who I truly am. They should not be discounted because of it's relation to sex, but should be looked at in a timeline perspective.

Toy Girl
She could have been my first real girl fuck other than that finger threesome i got into with two girls. I love toy girl. TG (for short) and i used to play around a super long time ago, and it was with her that I experienced mutual masturbation for the first time, and boy oh boy was it fun! I actually still bring this memory up when i masturbate and it never fails to get me off!

Scorpio Psychotic
She was fun, she was wet, she went batty after our second time fucking...even Toy Girl warned me against this one. The best was after we ended our sex affair, she told me that the only reason that she hooked up with me was because she read a blog that i wrote about not getting any and felt bad for me...oh boo hoo!!!!! Le Sigh

Side Note: This is only the beginning of the assholes I have dated and fucked over the years.

The Event Girl
She was one of the first girls I fell in love with, and fell for her I did...HARD! Like most of the girls I was attracted to at the time, she was stuck up, self centered and had a killer body....we ended up going to a sex club together and partaking in an orgy, after which our friendship died a most horrible death. At least the sex was fun....

Orgy Girl
Part Two of the Orgy, I went down on this ONS (One Night Stand)..but fun...great tasting!!! :D

Submit Girl
Girl I fucked on a swing sex chair at a lesbian sex club...took her viginity by vaginally fisting her....giggles

Virgin Girl
Friend whose virginity I took. Lot's of amazing reviews of my work afterwards from other still good peeps!

Butch One Night Stand Girl/Boy/?????
Met the butch and Snapshot, she took me to her Park Slope abode, had very bad sex...eep! Like put LUBE on your dick!!!!!! 

The Fuck Buddy Girl
Hookup that I met on FACEBOOK of all places! Was cool, had hot sex at the LGTB Center in NYC. Then turned batty, was convinced that I gave her a STD even though i've been tested over and over and over and over again and STILL come up negative! I even have the certificate of health to prove it! Also wanted to go out with me but refused to be my girlfriend because I do burlesque. Huh??? How does that even begin to make sense?????? Le Sigh

The Virgoian He/She
What can I say about this one...the ONLY amazing thing about this was the sex...hands down. I came better, i came fast...I just CAME in general! I learned ALOT about myself sexally, what I like, what get's me off...etc It was a great learning experience but unfortunately came at a heavy price of guilt trips and me having to deal with the horrible actions of an alcoholic who hit rock bottom.  After all the bullshit, after all the hurt, I still cared. I still reached out with open arms that were filled with love. Then I was told that after the last time we made love, that she knew that we weren't compatible. A bullshit line and ultimately made me realize that she never cared about me at all....another asshole in the books and this time..a coward! le sigh

The Anonymous Girl
Ok so this is a RECENT a few days old fresh. She is the FIRST girl that I have slept with who is younger than me. I ALWAYS go after older women and never go after younger girls..but this one I like, and this one I'm still getting to know.

She got to know me pretty well, 4 orgasms later with a twist of female ejaculation. I made her ejaculate and orgasm twice and her orgasms are pretty fun to watch. Actually they really excited me. It was like watching a cataclysmic explosion, you see the calm before the storm, you see the winds begin to pick up speed, hear the crashing roars of thunder, feel a bit frightened at the intense lightening in the sky until at one point, you feel like the world just tumbled into your storm and scattered itself into millions of tiny pieces. All the while you are watching from a safe distance and watching with glee.

She is absolutely beautiful btw dear readers....very hot...and yummy...and delicious...and I must confess, I am writing this entry about her after I got myself off and had a lovely morning orgasm as usual. She possesses the most fantastic ass I have ever seen, like I could play with it all day long...hmm mmm I think the more I write, the more I will have to start playing with myse..........

ANYWAYS, the point is, I can see myself and how I have changed and progressed throughout these women, the women who make up my timeline, the women who I have learned from, and ultimately learned about myself, the magical 10 that actually thought I was worth a damn to conquer in bed. The very few that taught me how to relax and have amazing orgasms in bed, the ones who made me ejaculate, made me sing and scream for them. The ones who will always have a place in my clit.

Who says history has to be boring?


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